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Outdoor Activities to Keep Your Kids Busy All Summer Long

July 14, 2020

Outdoor Activities to Keep Your Kids Busy All Summer Long

Sometimes summertime can feel like anything but a break for parents. Throw in months of navigating a global pandemic, working from home, and the prospect of schools still being closed in September - it’s no wonder many parents are feeling overwhelmed. One great way for the whole family to blow off a little steam is to head outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine can go a long way towards regulating your mood and increasing your overall sense of well-being. Here at Xpand, we want you to move smarter, so we’ve compiled a list of some great summer activities you and your entire family can enjoy outdoors. What’s that we hear? We think it’s the sound of a peaceful night and tired little ones. Is there anything better?

Chalk It Up To Fun

One of the most inexpensive ways to keep your kids busy for hours is sidewalk chalk. A pack of 24 colours will run you less than $5 dollars while providing hours of outdoor fun. Let your little ones turn your sidewalk into a work of art or draw them out a fun hopscotch game. Even better, think outside the box and draw out a fun obstacle course with different activity stations and have your kids race to see who can complete it the fastest. With fast-paced games like these, we recommend installing Xpand’s No-Tie Lacing System on your kids’ shoes. This will help prevent trips, falls, bumps, and bruises. Our No-Tie Lacing System also prevents shoelaces from dragging on the ground and picking up excess dirt and infection-causing bacteria. 

Scavenger Hunt

Even adults love a good scavenger hunt and it's no wonder. These clue-based games can be a fun and challenging adventure for the whole family. You can set up your scavenger hunt in your backyard or a nearby park. Give your kids a list of things to find and bring back or to photograph. Set a time limit and pick a prize for the team that collects the most objects or images. Alternatively, you can hide a series of clues throughout your backyard or in a nearby park and award the prize to the team that finishes the loop first. This is a great activity as it can be both physically and mentally stimulating for your kids who might be craving some time to think and learn after being out of the classroom for so long. 

Engage With Mother Nature In The Garden

Do you have some garden upkeep to tend to in the backyard? Get your kids involved! Gardening is a great way to bond with your children, get some housework done, and teach your little ones about nature. Get a few small plants and have your kids help you put them into the earth or a pot. Engage them in the care process by teaching them to water their plant regularly. Watching the plant grow and thrive is a rewarding experience for both you and your child. Plus, it’s also a wonderful way to teach them to respect and appreciate their natural surroundings. 

Make A Meal

Food is another great way to bond with your little ones and keep them engaged and busy all summer long. Choose a fun meal or snack you can prepare as a family outdoors. If you have a small grill or fire pit, roast hotdogs and s’mores together and enjoy your meal al fresco. 

Stage A Show

If you’re looking for an activity that will keep your kids engaged for a whole day or even several days this is an ideal option. Tell your little ones to stage a show for you in the backyard. Clear a small area they can use as a stage, provide them with a note pad to write down the story, some arts and crafts to help bring the show to life, and some clothes to play dress-up. Ask them to create tickets to give to friends and family and invite everyone over to view the show live. This activity is a great way to help your kids learn to work together on a project and exercise their creativity and imagination.

It has no doubt been a challenging few months for parents and if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. This year has presented unprecedented challenges for so many people. We hope that these tips and tricks for keeping your children busy will prove helpful.

P.S. We think you’re doing great! 

Love, Team Xpand

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